The website chronicling Mo's battle w/ brain cancer can be viewed here. Click the "Progress" link.
to Mo's new website. It has been quite awhile since I've posted
any updates. The main reasons being that we are all busy with
our lives and it is a painful experience - so many thousands of
memories. As I look through all the vivid pictures to choose
some for publishing, I want to show them all, I want to go back...
But as we approach
the one year anniversary of losing Mo, it is time to get moving
on his new site, the purpose of which is to honor his memory. I'm
planning on publishing pictures and videos and whatever else comes
our way. The old
website is still in place, I'm planning to keep it intact, but
at some point I will merge it into this one.
It is hard to
believe that it has been a year. Soon we will pass the time
where we can say (or even think) "Last year at this time we
were doing such and such with Mo...". Life moves on,
we are all dissolved in the eddies of time, some way too soon. We
are forced to adjust our course.
This Spring has
brought 2 special memorials:
We created a memorial
at Mo's elementary school (Glenn Stephens). The memorial consists
of a Ginkgo Tree, some flowers, and a granite boulder with a plaque.
It is in a small, mulched island in the back of the school
near the grove of pine trees. Of course anyone is welcome
to visit at any time.
The plaque reads:
In Loving Memory of
Maurice Rosefelt
10/1/92 - 7/10/04
Mo was a kind, gentle spirit who
enjoyed his 6 years at Glenn
Stephens and proudly graduated
on June 11, 2004.
held a small, informal dedication ceremony after school on May 24.
It was attended by friends, family, and staff from the school.
Like the memorial service held after he passed away, everyone
was invited to speak. Several people did and then we sang
"The Circle Song", which was one of Mo's favorites. It
was a beautiful ceremony.
I've worked on
it many times (planting and watering), but have neglected to bring
my camera - now that I've started this website, I'll get over there
to photograph it and get a picture up here soon.
The other memorial
is one which Mo earned on his own. If you look back at the
September 2, 2003 entry at Mo's
original website (click 04/26-09/07 in the left bar), you will
see that Mo had developed a relationship with the Madison Water
Utility. At age 8 he sent them a letter praising their trucks,
and 3 years later, when he was in the news for raising the most
money at a fundraiser for the UW Children's Hospital sponsored by
his Karate Academy, the Water Utility noticed that he was the boy
who had sent them the letter and gave Mo a check to bring the total
he raised to over $3000. This was very special to Mo, as they
drove an emergency repair vehicle to our house, delivered the check,
and gave him a look inside, showed him their repair equipment and
answered his questions about what they do.
The Water Utility
recently built a new building, and they have included a memorial
to Mo. Mo's letter emphasized the role which the Water Utility
plays in our community and demonstrated how they make a connection
to young boys who observe their trucks working on the water infrastructure
around the city. During Mo's illness, the concern which we
expressed on his website regarding the connection between our toxification
of our environment and the increase in cancer emphasized the link
between a little boy, and an essential part of the Water Utility's
mission statement, which is:
"to provide and maintain an adequate supply
of safe water for consumption and fire protection,
with quality service and at a reasonable price, for present and
future generations."
being a keyword. Needless to say, I can't describe how frustrating
it is to continue to watch people dump poisons en masse directly
into our habitat. They drift into our windows with the wind,
we stir them up when we cut the grass, we track them into our houses
on our shoes and on our pets. They don't break down in here, they
accumulate. How can it be anything but insane? Poisoning
ourselves, our children. Oh well, at least the chemical companies
are happy. The water company can only do so much to protect
the water. Just look at our lakes - don't doubt that the groundwater
is next...
Anyway, on Thursday,
June 16, the Water Company is hosting an open house from 2:00 to
3:30. All are welcome to attend. We are planning to
visit around 2:00. The building is located at 119 E. Olin
Avenue. I'll bring back some pix. We are extremely touched
by this, Mo would've been deeply honored. Our deepest thanks
to the Madison Water Utility.
Friday (6/10/05) we had some nasty storms. Several trees
were broken and we even saw a cracked telephone pole as we were
headed out to dinner (despite incorrect predictions of storms
all week, we received no warning from our friends in the weathertainment
business). Anyway, it reminded me of the tornados that headed
thru here almost exactly one year ago (6/17/04). It was
a dark stormy late afternoon, and we headed for the basement.
Mo always had a deep interest in (and fear of) tornados,
so he was both excited, and happy to go downstairs. Never
at a loss for humor, he sat down at his drums and said he was
going to play his last concert. I remember thinking of how
sadly accurate he was (we hadn't actually discussed his passing
with him at that point). However, he wasn't quite right,
he entertained us one more time with his drums.
remember this day. We had some visitors and Mo wanted to entertain
us on his drums. Becky was at camp so we moved his drums
into her room to make them easier to get to. He wanted us to
keep feeding him simple jokes so he could end them with a bang - like
something you'd see on The Tonight Show when Johnny Carson was the
host. I don't know where he came up with this routine, but I
remember almost frantically searching the web for one-liners to keep
the party going, as if somehow we could keep it going forever... |